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Wallace Cameron Wash Proof Plasters 70x24mm (Pack of 150) 1212052 Key Features Keeps cuts and scrapes well covered Allows the injury time to heal Stretchy material ensures greater flexibility Wash proof latex free material remains unaffected by water Strong adhesive keeps the plasters on while your injury improves Suitable for minor cuts, scratches and scrapes Pack of 150 plasters Plaster size: 70x24mm Order Code: WAC10633
MPN Code: 1212052
Keeps cuts and scrapes well covered. Allows the injury time to heal. Stretchy material ensures greater flexibility. Wash proof material remains unaffected by water. Strong adhesive. Suitable for minor cuts scratches and scrapes. Plaster size: 70x24mm.
Ideal for keeping cuts, bumps and scrapes well covered, this assorted pack of Wallace Cameron wash proof plasters provides great protection. These stretchy and flexible plasters are completely sterile to give your wounds a clean environment in which to heal. The hard wearing plasters are also wash proof so they won't come off easily, even when exposed to water, providing long lasting protection and comfort.
General Width (mm) Dealer Logistsics Lead Time Product Unit Major Minor Major Product Group Major Minor Minor Product Group Status Description OEM Spicers Code EEC tariff code Pack Contains Pack Unit of Sale Barcode 1 Consumer Logistsics Lead Time Depth (mm) Height (mm) Weight (kg) Print Selling Unit Material Matrix Letter UK VAT Codes VOW 2018 UK catalogue page no Returns Allowed Country of Origin Guarantee? Recyclable Percentage EMAS (Y/N) ISO 14001 (Y/N) SMETA Registrated (Y/N) Electrical Product (Y/N) Energy Star (Y/N) REACH Chemical Registration required (Y/N) REACH Requires Health & Safety Data Sheet Contains timber or derived materials Brand Recyclable (Yes/No) Warranty? Batteries Included Recycled % Green Product Case Colour Dimensions - Width (mm) Analysis Code Kit Flag Net Price Indicator Price Category