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HP 653A Laserjet Toner Cartridge Magenta 16.5K CF323A Key Features Replacement toner cartridge for LaserJet printers Genuine HP 653A cartridge Page Yield: 16,500 Pages Cutting edge technology for improved cost-per-page Print yield: 16,500 pages LaserJet technology Designed for LaserJet Enterprise M680 Capacity: Standard Colour: Magenta 100% of Original HP toner cartridges contain recycled content Order Code: HPCF323A
MPN Code: CF323A
HP 653A magenta toner cartridge for HP LaserJet Enterprise M680 printers. Genuine HP 653A cartridge with new technology for better cost-per-page. Print yield: 16500 pages. OEM: CF323A.
Get the best out of your cutting-edge LaserJet Enterprise M680 laser printer by installing a cartridge that's just as advanced. The HP 653A cartridge uses new technology to improve yields and slash costs-per-page, making it more economical to use. It's packed with enough magenta toner to print up to 16,500 pages. And because it's a genuine HP product, you get unbeatable performance and reliability.
General CMYK Minimum Recycled Content (%) Post Consumer Recycled Content Pre Consumer Recycled Content Pre or Post Consumer? Recyclable Percentage Ink Colour PEFC (Y/N) Colour Weight (kg) Height (mm) Depth (mm) Width (mm) Pack Unit of Sale Barcode 1 Supplier Code UNSPSC Code Product Unit Batteries Included For Laser Printers For Inkjet Printers REACH Requires Health & Safety Data Sheet REACH Chemical Registration required (Y/N) Energy Star (Y/N) Electrical Product (Y/N) ISO 14001 (Y/N) Original / Compatible Product
HP 653A Laserjet Toner Cartridge Magenta 16.5K CF323A brochure