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Beeswift Bib and Braces Fire Retardant Anti-Static High Visibility Saturn Yellow M Key Features High Visibility bib and brace Fire retardant and anti-static High frequency welded seams Elasticated shoulder straps with buckles Press stud adjustments by the ankles EN 343 2003 + A1: 2007 EN 471 2003 + A1: 2007 EN ISO 14116: 2008 INDEx1 EN 1149-5 : 2008 EN1149-3 : 2004 Order Code: BSW18356
Beeswift Bib and Braces Fire Retardant Anti-Static High Visibility. High frequency welded seams. Elasticated shoulder straps with buckles. Press stud adjustments by the ankles.
Beeswift flame retardant, anti-static, High Visibility bib and braces. Includes high frequency welded seams. Elasticated shoulder straps with buckles. Press studs for adjustment at the ankles. EN 343 2003 + A1:2007. EN 471 2003 + A1:2007. EN ISO 14116: 2008 Index1. EN 1149-5 : 2008 EN1149-3 : 2004.