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Fellowes 8041601 Vista Single Monitor Arm Key Features Fully adjustable for optimum viewing control elevates LCD monitors from 88mm x 419mm above the desk minimum reach 63mm to a maximum reach of 686mm easy to mount clamp attaches to desktop or through grommet hole Order Code: 27338J, BB59421, S10157301, 37181FE
MPN Code: 8041601
Fully adjustable for maximum viewing control, this dual monitor arm helps to increase desk space. it is able to hold a flat panel monitor up to 10kgs and the clamp attaches to desktops 1 to 3 inches thick or through grommet holes at least 3.25 inches in diameter.
Elevating monitors from 88mm - 419mm with a reach of 63mm - 686mm, it tilts 37° up and down and swings freely to the left and right.