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Fellowes 8081801 Lotus RT Dual Sit-Stand Workstation White Key Features White clamps to the back of the desk waterfall design with a channel to support viewing your paperwork or technology with easy access to charging cables concealed cable management to keep your workspace streamlined 180 degree rotation includes a dual monitor arm to keep your screens secure Your Price: £ 518.04 (£ 621.65 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 1075.12 SAVE: £557.08
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Order Code: 29730J, BB73704, 36880FE
MPN Code: 8081801
This innovative workstation from Fellowes can sit flush against your desk or be lifted to work from a standing position. This sit-stand work station features 22 different height adjustments to be the ideal level for you to work from, so you can choose to work seated for part of the day and standing for another part. It is suitable for dual screens with a further work surface for your keyboard, mouse and essentials.
Fellowes 8081801 Lotus RT Dual Sit-Stand Workstation White brochure