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Fellowes 8044101 Laptop Arm Accessory Key Features Provides adjustability to lift laptop up or use a monitor and laptop on a dual monitor arm supports 10 - 17" laptops and up to 4.5kgs provides effortless laptop adjustment features cooling vents VESA 75 x 75 and 100 x 100 compliant Order Code: 30911J, 36733FE
MPN Code: 8044101
Create a more productive dual-display workspace that raises your laptop and monitor off of your work surface. Allows you to lift, lower, tilt, pan or rotate your laptop into the perfect ergonomic position. Non-slip, ventilated base allows for secure and long-term use. Supports laptops up to 17" & 4.5kgs.
Compatible with standard VESA mounting brackets. Ideal for use with Fellowes Platinum Series gas spring monitor arms.
Fellowes 8044101 Laptop Arm Accessory brochure